Educational Excellence Philosophy
An Interview with President, Nancy Polin
When and why was Educational Excellence founded?
Educational Excellence was formed in 2007. During my thirty years of providing college planning services, guidance counseling, and other educational services to students in a variety of educational settings, I developed my own successful approach for delivery of college planning services.
What is the philosophy of Educational Excellence?
My prescriptive method for delivering college planning services involves a careful assessment of each student across a variety of domains, including academic and intellectual functioning, interests and preferences, learning style, level of motivation, and personal goals. Using information from the assessment, in combination with feedback from the student and family, I develop a customized plan and approach.
What differentiates Educational Excellence from the competition?
Educational Excellence customizes all college planning services in accordance with the individual needs of each student—NO Cookie Cutter Services!
Educational Excellence prides itself on the development of a customized college plan of action for each student. Additionally, the student and parents participate in all aspects of the college planning process. Educational Excellence provides the necessary support to the parent and student so they feel comfortable with the entire college planning process. Nancy is the college planning resource expert for each of her students.